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Syska GaN Pro Fast-Charging Travel Adapter

CMF - Syska 65 WATT GaN Pro Charger
Recently Syska launched the 65 Watt Charger and I had worked on the CMF for them. We were required to communicate the Wattage in a simpler yet fun way on the surface of the product. This communication needed to be consistent across all the charger platforms in Syska. Here is one of them, the 65 Watt Super fast charger...
A Tactile and Graphic Typography element is laser printed  into the surface, allowing users to quickly identify the Watt of the product hence letting the user know the power of the Product, this playful treatment of this important information becomes an eye-catching, and memorable emblem for the user.
 Short-Circuit protection with advanced temperature control along with overcurrent protection for Enhanced Safety
The GaN Pro travel adapter with an ideal Solution for all your charging needs, its a 
 Made in-India adapter that makes for the perfect travel companion. The compact and lightweight solution provides fast and efficient charging for multiple devices simultaneously.
Available to purchase below:

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Syska GaN Pro Fast-Charging Travel Adapter


Syska GaN Pro Fast-Charging Travel Adapter
